Monday, March 26, 2007

I Spy

Some of the students in the digital class have invited me to participate in their friday assignments. This week was to illustrate Eye Spy, or I Spy. Whichever. So this is what I took my Saturday to do. All Photoshop, concept, sketch, to finish. And no, it doesn't have to make sense. Thanks for looking.


Carol Roque said...

this is pretty interesting..Nicely done too. :)

David Zamora said...

Very nice! Love the loose brush strokes, very painterly :)

david z

Manelle said...

Nice Job Shawn. It is good to see you on IF. I really like the paint strokes on this piece. It seems looser than your other ones I have seen.

Fossfor said...

this is good, it looks like something from a william gibson story. nice work

Janice Ykema said...

nice moody piece that makes one ask questions

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

A really strong and beautiful piece! It's well composed and has great sense of light. But, I'd delete the "eye spy" seems to distract form such a great illustration.

Mike Laughead said...

Great illo Shaun. Have you gotten any freelance work yet?

Jennifer said...

Hi Shaun,
Cool Blog, did you just start it? Good luck with your stuff, looks good. Have fun up at the "cold" place!

Anonymous said...

I like the color an the point of view.