Sunday, January 21, 2018

A post from way back in 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Originality in Truth

I like this quote by C.S. Lewis:

“Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original. Whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring two pence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.” 

Just wanted to share that. Oh, and anyone need a commission? Website design? Portrait? Fantasy landscape? Or want to invest in a Children's Book of mine? Just checking.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Waiting for the Phoenix to rise

2017 marks the end of my marriage to Nadia K. Williams. She filed for divorce in October 2017. And through court and mediation (I couldn't' afford a lawyer) the paperwork was filled out and finalized by the judge beginning this year Jan 2018. This is of course very personal, very hard, and very painful.

So, IMPORTANT...  I would like everyone to be respectful, and to ask any questions to me personally, or to Nadia personally. With the understanding that we may not give you any answers.

I am now staying with a dear friend and his family until I can start over and get on my feet. Currently the kids live with Nadia and I get visitation rights which were set by the judge... and as Nadia and I co-parent the kids, we will see what happens.

I would like to take a moment to thank all those who have been a support for our family, to my kids, myself, or to Nadia. And I would like to plead for continued support for each of us. Forgive us of our bad days, listen if we need to talk, be clear if you can or cannot help - we understand. Life is busy and can be very overwhelming. Again, Thank you to all those who reached out for support, offered prayers, gave of their time, and just let us cry on their shoulders.

Regarding relationships... I beg all of you to stop for a moment today and if you can, call or tell your parents you love them and appreciate them, tell your kids you love them and appreciate them, tell your spouse you love and appreciate them.... and recommit, and be fiercely loyal to them. Bury your hatchets. You only cut yourself more when you sharpen them. Offer a prayer to God giving gratitude for the blessings these people have always been and are to you. Thank the Lord for your health and the simple things each day. And... Ask for His help, but Work hard to achieve the goals you make. He won't push the cart for you. Disconnect with the world for a bit, TV, phone, PC, whatever... and Connect with the Lord for a bit, pray, read scripture, ponder, go for a walk, or whatever you do to invite Him in.

Please understand as I go through this process. The stages come and go and repeat... and I'm doing what I can to move forward.

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Starting Over

Dear 2018,

You offer a chance to start over.
Life in 2017 was cruel and kind.
Much that was precious to me I have lost.
Much I yet have has been kindly preserved.
Strong bonds were broken.
Strong bonds were tested.
Strong bonds were strengthened.

So much of life this year will have to start over.
Though I can barely imagine how.
But I have a year of kindness open before me.
One day, one moment at a time.

Time to weep.
Time to heal. 
Time to work.

Many years have passed.
Kids have grown.
Homes have moved. 
Dreams have risen and fallen.

Memories carried good and bad.
Memories forgotten.
Memories discovered.

You will offer more to me and mine.
We will often see and often be blind.
As we pass, so long as we are kind,
Some peace and hope may we find.

I am broken. Not much further to fall from here.
I seek for hope... that what is so broken will mend.
That the dark night will give way to the bright dawn.
That fear shall flee and faith and purpose grow.

Well... I am not ready to say more than that folks.
